Boat Landings
We are blessed on the Wisconsin River with the fact that we have boat landings roughly every 8 miles. While we don’t run trips between all of the boat landings, we have the trip that will be perfect for you within a few miles. Check out Google Maps to familiarize yourself with the Lower Wisconsin River and our put-ins and take outs. We’ve worked hard to provide tons of information about distances from each of our 2 locations as well as what kind of facilities each boat landing has available. If you have any issues, or need help, feel free to call us at 608.375.5300 or email us with your questions.
River Conditions
History says that once we get through May the river tends to drop in flow, sand bars appear and life is great! However, because the river is draining more than half the state of Wisconsin there are times when rain that falls 200 miles north of us will have to flow by at some point. This is a wilderness experience, and we don’t have control over the rain that falls, the water released from dams up river, or other natural factors we have yet to tame, so you must be prepared and informed. A few days before your trip it’s always a good idea to look at the weather (Boscobel) and water levels.
Water Levels
Refer to the graphs below for current water level information. This data is updated every 15 minutes to 3 hours by the US Geological Survey (your tax dollars at work!). When we talk about water levels on the WI River we talk about them in cf/s (Cubic Feet per Second). Here’s a break down of what you can expect regarding water levels and river conditions:
>17,000 cf/s there are NO sand bars to camp on, per our Cancellation Policy – we will cancel your trip and provide you with a credit to be used in the future, unless you purchased Trip Cancellation Protection (we’ll reach out to you).
15,000-17,000 cf/s there are VERY limited sand bars to camp on, we recommend having experience at this water level, especailly if the wind is blowing. ALWAYS wear your life vest!
10,000-15,000 cf/s there are limited sand bars available to camp on, you can’t be picky, if you find a sand bar — TAKE IT!
<10,000 cf/s and Life is Good!
3,500-8,000 cf/s are PERFECT conditions with a huge selection of sand bars to choose from.
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